Tag: Vendors

Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (November 19-25)

A photo of the plaque commemorating Saint Martin's Theatre and the world's longest running play 'The Mousetrap' in Covenant Garden, London (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

We hope you all are gearing up well (and as calmly as one can!) for Thanksgiving. This last week we put out our call for volunteers for Doxacon Seattle 2024. As always, our convention relies on the help of many to be a success! And of course, many hands make for light work – we …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (November 12-18)

A photo of Albert Einstein during a lecture in Vienna in 1921 (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome to this week’s digest. As we continue our preparations for Doxacon Seattle 2024, we’re kicking off a new effort this year – posters! At the suggestion of prior year attendees, we’ve produced a couple of different posters for interested folks to put up. If you’re interested in doing so, check out this recent post …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (November 5-11)

A photo of the train on which the armistice ending World War I was signed (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome to this week’s digest! Even as we prepare for our convention, we want to give a shout out to Grit City Comic Show, taking place at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center this weekend. Check it out at their website! Doxacon Seattle 2024 preparations continue on for us – we’re eagerly anticipating our convention on …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (October 29-November 4)

A photograph of the Tutankhamun (or 'King Tut') mask at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome to this week’s digest! Before we kick off, we want to give a shout out to Doxacon, from whom we got our inspiration to start Doxacon Seattle. This year they are celebrating ten years of conventions, with their tenth gathering taking place this coming weekend. Though we’re on the other side of the country, …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (October 22-28)

A photo of an Edison incandescent light bulb enclosed in a cage (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

We’re here again with our weekly geek trivia tidbits. Some fun ones coming up over this week, some of which we include below, other’s that we simply couldn’t get to due to space limitations. If you haven’t bookmarked it already, check out a MUCH fuller weekly list that BoardGameGeek puts out – we review it …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (October 15-21)

A photo of Melbicks Christmas display (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome to the weekly digest here at Doxacon Seattle! Below is this week’s collection of geeky daily tidbits and news from Doxacon Seattle. But before you jump into those, we want to let you know that tickets for Doxacon Seattle 2024 are available for purchase! There is a $10 discount for early bird purchasing. If …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (October 8-14)

A drawing of Winnie the Pooh sitting on a log next to a a smoldering pile of logs (image courtesy Wikipedia)

Welcome to the weekly digest here at Doxacon Seattle! Below is this week’s collection of geeky daily tidbits and news from Doxacon Seattle. By the way, we uploaded another video from last years Doxacon Seattle – Tim Brown’s presentation Exploring Home: Here and There, Now and Then. Check it out at our YouTube channel! October …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (October 1-7)

An image of a USSR stamp depicting Sputnik 1 orbiting earth (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome to the weekly digest here at Doxacon Seattle! Below is this week’s collection of geeky daily tidbits and news from Doxacon Seattle. Remember that we’re going to be having our final Doxaday of 2024 – a meetup at GeekGirlCon 2023 (Saturday, October 7). Our plan is to get together at a restaurant outside of …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (September 24 – September 30)

A photo of the Bill of Rights (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome to the weekly digest here at Doxacon Seattle! Below is this week’s collection of geeky daily tidbits and news from Doxacon Seattle. In case you missed it, we want to be sure you see last week’s call for presenters for Doxacon Seattle 2024. Our theme for 2024 is “At the End of All Things: …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (September 17 – September 23)

A drawing of an early balloon flight with a crowd watching (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Welcome to the weekly digest here at Doxacon Seattle! Below is this week’s collection of geeky daily tidbits and news from Doxacon Seattle. A couple of bits of news before this week’s geekery. First off all, we’re starting to upload videos of the various presentations at Doxacon Seattle 2023. You can check out the first …

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