Category: Presentations

2025 Schedule Now Available — UPDATED!

One of the reasons we switched to this year was that it allows us to manage the schedule of the day and make that available to you! In case you haven’t registered yet, here’s a rough look at this year’s schedule, so you can plan your day: TIME MAIN HALL SIDE ROOM 10:00am Welcome …

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Meet Our Presenters for Doxacon Seattle 2025!

We have an amazing slate of presenters this year, including our Lay and Clergy Keynotes, S.K. Ehra and Reece Friesen. In addition, we’re thrilled to welcome: In addition to of all these individual presenters, we’ll have panels of writers and gamers to exhilarate and edify you! We can’t wait to see you on February 8! …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (September 15-21)

A portrait of President Jimmy Carter

With fall taking the place of summer, there are plenty of traditions small & large (pumpkin spice, for example!) to look forward to. At our August meeting, the Doxacon Seattle Board of Directors held an election, amended our bylaws, and elected a new Board. Please welcome the new board of Doxacon Seattle: Also, proposals for …

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Doxacon Seattle 2025: Our Clergy Keynote!

Reece Friesen stands in front of a mural he is working on

It is our great pleasure to announce that Reece Friesen will present our Clergy Keynote at Doxacon Seattle 2025! Reece Friesen is a pastor, speaker, writer, comic book artist, and all around creative type who lives with his wife Rachel and their five daughters in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. As the scribe and artist behind …

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Doxacon Seattle 2025: Help Us Build a Con!

The Doxacon Seattle logo (cropped)

We are now accepting proposals for programming at Doxacon Seattle 2025! Our theme for 2025 is “Extasis: Escaping Reality in Pursuit of Truth”—a theme which lends itself to many genres and expressions of fandom. This is our tenth anniversary as an event and we’re hoping to build a spectacular program. For that, we need YOUR …

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Doxacon Seattle 2025: Our Lay Keynote!

We’re delighted to announce that S.K. Ehra will present our Lay Keynote for Doxacon Seattle 2025! S.K. Ehra is an author of fantasy, horror, and all that lies between. When not reading or writing, she can be found wandering the woods and, while skittish, is friendly when approached. Her latest novels are the dark fairy …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (January 14-20)

The Wikipedia logo (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Happy New Years all! We hope you had wonderful celebrations of the Nativity and the New Year. Before getting into business, we want to take a moment now to offer to our Orthodox brethren what we couldn’t last week (due to several of us catching the holiday cruds): Christ is born! Let us glorify Him! …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (December 17-23)

A drawing of the Brothers Grimm (image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)

Its the last week of Advent and all through the house, everyone is stirring….. or so it seems as we all try to lockdown final Christmas details! May this run-up to the Nativity of the Lord be as peaceful as possible for you and your loved ones. For your enjoyment (and maybe a bit of …

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Doxacon Seattle weekly digest (December 10-16)

A painting of Beethoven (image courtesy Wikipedia)

In case you missed it, we had a couple of announcements last week. Foremost, our presenter application deadline has been extended to December 31 – if you’re interested in speaking at our 2024 convention, be sure to share your proposal! Doxacon Seattle also recently updated its inclusion statement. This has been the fruit of much …

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Presenter application deadline extended!

Doxacon Seattle has a few slots still available for speakers and presenters at our 2024 event! Although the initial deadline for presentation submissions was November 30, we have decided to extend that to December 31, 2023. There’s still time to submit your idea! We are looking for people excited about our mission and theme who …

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