Have you ever volunteered for an event like Doxacon Seattle and the organizers just didn’t know what to do with you? Frustrating, isn’t it?
That’s why this year we’ve set up an actual schedule for volunteers, so you can sign up ahead of time and know exactly what you’ll be doing and when you’ll be doing it!
There’s no better way to connect with others at Doxacon Seattle than by helping everyone find what they came for. We’re especially looking for people to help with:
- Setup (starts at 9:00am) and Cleanup (goes till 9:00pm)
- Food and coffee (various times throughout the day)
- Assisting presenters (various times throughout the day)
- Taking photos of people having fun (various times throughout the day)
You’ll need a badge to volunteer, so make sure you register first. Then hit the “Volunteer” tab in Tabletop.events to sign up for a shift. Or, if you already have your badge, click through to https://tabletop.events/conventions/doxacon-seattle-2025/volunteers/apply .
We’re looking forward to working alongside you on February 8 at Brightwater Center!