Tag: Panel

Doxacon Seattle 2025: Help Us Build a Con!

The Doxacon Seattle logo (cropped)

We are now accepting proposals for programming at Doxacon Seattle 2025! Our theme for 2025 is “Extasis: Escaping Reality in Pursuit of Truth”—a theme which lends itself to many genres and expressions of fandom. This is our tenth anniversary as an event and we’re hoping to build a spectacular program. For that, we need YOUR …

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Doxacon Seattle 2024 – Call for Presenters!

We are now accepting proposals for presentations at Doxacon Seattle 2024! A presentation could be any of several things: a talk given by one speaker, a panel discussion, a workshop or hands-on activity, a one-shot gaming session, and more! Our theme for 2024 is “At the End of All Things: Utopias, Dystopias, and the Persistence …

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