Doxacon Seattle 2025: Our Lay Keynote!

We’re delighted to announce that S.K. Ehra will present our Lay Keynote for Doxacon Seattle 2025!

S.K. Ehra is an author of fantasy, horror, and all that lies between. When not reading or writing, she can be found wandering the woods and, while skittish, is friendly when approached. Her latest novels are the dark fairy tale, Minu, and the third book in her supernatural thriller “Crossroads” series, Marked for Madness.

S.K. is a long-time friend of Doxacon Seattle, and helps out with our sister con, Doxacon Prime. You can learn more about her on her website (, follow her on Instagram (, or check out her Goodreads author page (

Looking forward to seeing you in 2025!

2 pings

  1. […] you may have read in last week’s announcement, we have a lay keynote speak for Doxacon Seattle 2025: S.K. Ehra. Learn more about her at her […]

  2. […] putting together an exciting program for 2025. We’ve mentioned our keynote speakers, our all-day gaming space, and our vendor hall (which is already nearly full). But there’s […]

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