Doxacon News
by Robert King
Exciting things coming up soon! Posters and postcards with our 2025 custom artwork, interviews with presenters and organizers, and opening badge sales for early bird memberships!
If you haven’t marked your calendar already, make sure you’ve got February 8, 2025 set aside for Doxacon Seattle – Extasis: Escaping Reality in Pursuit of Truth!
Dates of Note
by Megan Lorance

October 6 1927 – First ‘talkie’ film, The Jazz Singer premieres—It seems small now, but this was a major technological advancement at the time. And where would our movies today be without recorded sound?
October 8 1949 – American actress Sigourney Weaver—She killed the Alien Queen, and repeated what the computer said. Sci-fi queen!
October 9 1604 – Johannes Kepler’s observation of SN 1604, or Kepler’s Supernova is the most recent supernova to be observed with the naked eye within the Milky Way. It’s not science fiction, but science fact inspires our fiction: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the works of his hands.” (Psalm 19:1)