Artwork! Date confirmations! And more!

A little while ago, we announced our theme for Doxacon Seattle 2024: “At the End of all Things: Utopias, Dystopias, and the Persistence of Hope”. At the same time, we commissioned the official artwork for the convention, this year coming from Erika Rae Heins! We’re delighted to reveal the art that will adorn our poster, as well as our other communications and merch!

Thank you, Erika, for such an evocative image!

Save the Date!

We have confirmed the date and location for Doxacon Seattle 2024. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, February 10, 2024 at the Brightwater Center! Info will soon be forthcoming on:

  • Keynote Presenter(s)
  • Ticket sales
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Vendor room
  • Call for workshops, panels, and presentations

Keep checking our website for all official announcements, and sign up for our newsletter for the earliest updates!

Gathering at GeekGirlCon!

We know that several of you are planning to attend GeekGirlCon this October. Join us for lunch on Saturday, October 7! We’ll meet at a restaurant outside the Convention Center, so you can hang out with other Geek Orthodox and Faithful Fans even if you aren’t attending GGC. To sign up, drop us an email at!

Please note that this replaces our DoxaDay planned for that date.

Hailing Frequencies:

The Intersection of Faith and Fandom

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  1. […] Artwork! Date confirmations! And more! […]

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