Every year we choose a theme to help focus our planning, and we’re glad to announce the theme for our 2024 event! At the End of all Things:Utopias, Dystopias, and the Persistence of Hope Every ending is a new beginning, and each new beginning marks the end of what came before. We’re inspired, of course, …
Category: Apocalyptic/Horror
These posts are about the apocalyptic and horror genres in literature and popular culture.
Mar 20
What you missed at DoxaDay: Tom Cruise, Horror, and Middle-Aged Heroes
The Reader Gregory, aka The Carver. Today, several of us gathered at St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church in Brier, WA to have a DoxaDay – a short, half-day Doxacon event that is less structured, more spontaneous, and generally involves beer. We thought we might talk about the horror genre and how we might approach it …