We have an amazing slate of presenters this year, including our Lay and Clergy Keynotes, S.K. Ehra and Reece Friesen. In addition, we’re thrilled to welcome:

Bottom Row: Zoltan Abraham, Presbytera Elizabeth Scott Tervo, Fr. Justin Hewitt, Megan Suzanne Lorance
- Zoltan Abraham: “Death, Liturgy, and Spiritual Warfare: Lessons from the First Terminator Movie”
Born in Hungary, Zoltan has lived in the Seattle area for over three decades and has worked full-time as a lay minister in the Catholic Church for over a quarter of a century. (He is older than he looks.) He also works part-time as a real estate agent for Keller Williams Eastside. He and his wife, Julie, have three cats, who allow them to live in a condo in Bellevue in exchange for their services. He has a deep devotion to the Virgin Mary, is an avid Hello Kitty collector, and enjoys writing speculative fiction. - Tim W. Brown: “…And Back Again: Change and Stability”
Tim is an aged and aging reader of history, fantasy, and science fiction, playing and running role-playing games his entire adult life – longer than he’s been a Christian, in fact. His journey (heroic or not) has included a long slow progress from no religion at all to non-denominational to Lutheran and finally to Orthodoxy, with a home parish at Saint Spiridon Cathedral in Seattle. He has popped up at every Doxacon Seattle since the first—often giving a presentation. - Erika Heins: “A Workshop on Thrifted/Budget Cosplay”
Erika is an independent artist and illustrator who vends conventions and other nerdy events full-time in the Pacific Northwest. For Erika, cosplay is both an engaging hobby and a way to explore beloved characters in a personal and creative way. - Fr. Justin Hewlett: “Mining Play for Pearls: Experiential Theology and Life Lessons Learned as a Gamer and Minecraft Server Administrator”
Fr. Justin is founder and priest of St. John of Shanghai Orthodox Church, the only fully English language Orthodox Church in Vancouver. A lifelong gamer and lover of literature, he has spent quite a few years reflecting on the significance of spending time on such pastimes as a follower of Jesus Christ. Fr. Justin also works as a technology teacher at an online school, produces the GeekOrthodox.net podcast (inspired by Doxacon!), and lives in a container house in the backwoods of Mission, BC with his beloved wife and four children. - Robert King: “Escapist Worldbuilding: A Writing Workshop”
Robert is neither a cat nor an elf nor a robot. He aspires to be a novelist, a Jedi, and a good Catholic. He is a freelance editor and a cohost of the Secrets of Star Wars and Epic Book Club podcasts. He currently serves as president of Doxacon Seattle. - Megan Suzanne Lorance: “Nalbinding 101: Make a Bag Like a Viking”
Megan wishes she were a sage and a philosopher, dispensing deep wisdom for the ages. What she actually is, is an enthusiastic nerd who likes to talk loudly about the things she finds cool. Personality-wise, she’s a cross between Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) and Janet (The Good Place). You will most likely find her shelving books at the library, trying to write poetry and flash fiction, working on various fiber-crafts, reading, studying Latin in case she accidently travels back in time and gets to meet Vergil, or shouting at her friends about cool things. She is Catholic, a member of the Dominican Laity, and lives with her husband and their two cats. - Presbytera Elizabeth Scott Tervo: “The Call to Adventure: Enchanted Pictures in comparison with Eastern Orthodox Iconography”
Presbytera Elizabeth’s poetry and stories have appeared in Ruminate, Eye to the Telescope, The Wheel, The Basilian, Agape Review, New Haven Review, and elsewhere, and has won a prize at Inscape. She co-coordinates the Doxacon Seattle writers group for Speculative Literature & Christianity. Her memoir of her time as a exchange student in the country of Georgia on the eve of its freedom from the USSR, მზე არ მზეობს უშენოდ (The Sun Does Not Shine Without You), was published in 2021 by Azri books and sold out its initial run. Eve in the Time Machine is her first book of poetry. A native of Boston, she now lives in the Pacific Northwest. She is married to Father Michael Tervo and she enjoys life as a Presbytera in the Greek Orthodox Church. - Dr. Jeremiah Webster: “Ekstasis as it appears in George McDonald’s fairy story ‘The Golden Key’”
Deacon Jeremiah serves as Associate Rector at Advent Anglican and Professor of English at Northwest University as well as on the board here at Doxacon Seattle. He has published two collections of poetry and a novel. His poetry has appeared in numerous journals including North American Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Crab Creek Review, Anglican Theological Review, Relief, Mockingbird, and elsewhere.
In addition to of all these individual presenters, we’ll have panels of writers and gamers to exhilarate and edify you! We can’t wait to see you on February 8!
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