Join us for a Doxaday on first Sunday afternoons

We have a meetup the first Sunday afternoon most months. See the details on; just search for the Doxacon Seattle Meetup Group!

Welcome to Doxacon Seattle!

If you’re looking for a place where you can discuss speculative fiction through a Christian lens, or talk about the theological implications of your favorite fandoms, then you’ve found the right place. Doxacon Seattle is an organization that examines the intersection of Christianity and speculative fiction (such as fantasy and science fiction). It’s a place …

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Not A “Real” Anything

  by Tim W. Brown Last month was November, which means it was National Novel-Writing Month to some of us (NaNoWriMo for short); the basic idea of which is that one attempts to write at least 50,000 words of a novel within the thirty days of November. To a great extent, it’s a community exercise …

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What you missed at DoxaDay: Tom Cruise, Horror, and Middle-Aged Heroes

The Reader Gregory, aka The Carver. Today, several of us gathered at St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church in Brier, WA to have a DoxaDay – a short, half-day Doxacon event that is less structured, more spontaneous, and generally involves beer. We thought we might talk about the horror genre and how we might approach it …

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