Doxacon Seattle 2023 is fast approaching and we’re eagerly looking forward to welcoming our presenters, attendees, and vendors! If you haven’t already, be sure to purchase a ticket for yourself – and spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested in joining us.
You might also want to bookmark the address of Brightwater Center (our convention site): 22505 State Route 9 SE Woodinville, WA 98072-6010 or use this Google Maps link for easy directions.
Health & safety
Following the example of other local fan conventions, we will require in-person members to wear face masks while indoors, unless actively eating or drinking. Presenters – please note that you may remove your face mask during your presentation. If you have tested positive for COVID or are experiencing COVID-like symptoms on the day of the convention, we ask you to stay home and attend online; you can request a refund for the difference between in-person and online membership from info@doxaconseattle.com
When does it all start?
The doors to Brightwater Center will open at 7:00 am on Saturday, February 11. We’ll begin the day with an Akathist of Thanksgiving – a beautiful Eastern Orthodox prayer (learn more here) and have our opening remarks at 8:00 am.
We will be serving a continental breakfast after Akathist. We will have lunch around noon and (of course!) coffee available throughout the day. We appreciate all who have noted their dietary restrictions – we are providing several gluten-free options at both meals. Participants are welcome to bring their own food & drink too, if they so desire.
We’ll be hosting a one-shot TTRPG (table-top role-playing game) that will run concurrent with some of the afternoon sessions. The game will be Back Again from the Broken Land, which follows adventurers returning home after saving the world from the forces of evil. There is a limit of six players for the game, so if you are interested please contact rking@doxaconseattle.com. Players will be selected at random from those who have expressed interest and who are present on Saturday.
There may be opportunities to play other board games and/or tabletop games during the day. Feel free to bring your favorite game, if you like! We encourage you to mark your game with your name and/or some other identifying mark, so that it does not get lost or mixed up with someone else’s.
More to come!
We’ll have more information, including a full schedule, later this week. Meanwhile, we’re looking forward to seeing you on Saturday! Please keep the planners, volunteers, presenters, and all the others who will attend in your prayers!