
The latest news about Doxacon Seattle!

February 2018

Our conference was amazing! The keynote speakers were:

Deacon James Farrenberg is the deacon at St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church (OCA) and is also a research scientist with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. He will deliver our Clergy Keynote Address.

James Wyatt is a former United Methodist minister and is currently a designer for Magic, The Gathering at Wizards of the Coast. He will deliver our Lay Keynote Address.

January 24, 2018

Tickets are on sale and we’re all getting ready. Our clergy keynote speaker is Dn. James Ferrenberg from Poulsbo, WA. He will be joining James Wyatt from Wizards of the Coast, our lay keynote speaker, and several other presenters. What are you waiting for? Buy your tickets now!

July 9, 2017

Doxacon Seattle Planning Committee member Rosamund Hodge will present at “Loving the Enemy” at Doxacon Prime 2017 on August 19, 2017! We’re so excited to hear her presentation when it it’s loaded onto Ancient Faith Radio.

June 22, 2017

James Wyatt, Game Designer for Wizards of the Coast, will give our Lay Keynote Address at Doxacon Seattle 2018! Find out more about James here.