Clergy Keynote by Deacon James Hargrave
As a child of two worlds, Deacon James Hargrave’s life has been defined by cross-cultural encounter, translation, and the power of the Gospel to honor indigenous culture while bringing disparate peoples into eternal Communion. He was born in the US, grew up in Kenya, and served as a long-term OCMC missionary in Tanzania. A graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Deacon James teaches Swahili, studies Arabic, writes about Orthodox history in East Africa, reads Russian Silver Age poetry, and watches Star Trek.
Deacon James lives in the Fraser Valley with his wife Daphne and their son. He serves St Joseph Damascene Antiochian Orthodox Church in Delta, British Columbia.

Lay Keynote by Erika Heins
Erika Heins taught middle and high school literature at art at North Whidbey Christian High School for ten years before transitioning
to full-time work as a professional artist. She specializes in fantasy and literary art and has a particular fondness for the works of JRR Tolkien. She has been selling her art at Doxacon for a number of years now and is delighted to be involved further this year.